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What's the Best Way to Get Rid of Varicose Veins?

If you consider that nearly one-third of the general population develops varicose veins, it makes sense that there are a range of solutions. And we offer them all, including the one that’s right for you.
Oct 1st, 2024
Do You Know the Signs of Peripheral Artery Disease?

Do You Know the Signs of Peripheral Artery Disease?

There was a time when you could move easily on legs that were more than up to the task. These days, leg pain is slowing you down, and you want to figure out why. Peripheral artery disease is a good place to start.
Sep 2nd, 2024
5 Best Practices for Managing Restless Legs Syndrome

5 Best Practices for Managing Restless Legs Syndrome

All day, you’ve been looking forward to crawling into bed to get some much-needed sleep, but your legs have different plans. If restless legs syndrome is robbing you of rest, here are some management strategies.
Aug 15th, 2024
How to Lower Your Risk for Vascular Problems After 50

How to Lower Your Risk for Vascular Problems After 50

Did you know that aging is the primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which affects about half of American adults? If you want to keep your veins in good health as you age, read on for some helpful practices.
Jul 25th, 2024
6 Tips for Recovering From Your Vein Treatment

6 Tips for Recovering From Your Vein Treatment

You’ve come to us to get rid of your unsightly varicose or spider veins, and you want to do what you can to protect your results. Here are some tips to keep your legs smooth and vein-free.
May 10th, 2024
Why Do I Feel the Urge to Move My Legs at Night?

Why Do I Feel the Urge to Move My Legs at Night?

It can be incredibly frustrating when you fall into bed, exhausted, but you can’t sleep because your legs are jumpy and uncomfortable. This condition is called restless legs syndrome, and here’s what we want you to know.
Feb 1st, 2024
 Do Varicose and Spider Veins Eventually Go Away?

Do Varicose and Spider Veins Eventually Go Away?

A web of bulging or spindly veins has developed in your legs, and you wonder whether they might eventually fade away. The short answer is “No.” Here are your options moving forward.
Jan 2nd, 2024
3 Ways Weight Loss Affects Your Legs

3 Ways Weight Loss Affects Your Legs

Each December, millions of people around the world resolve to lose weight in the new year. While there are almost innumerable benefits to losing weight, we’re going to focus on your legs.
Dec 1st, 2023
When to See a Specialist About Leg Pain

When to See a Specialist About Leg Pain

Anytime you’re in pain, your body is asking you to sit up and take notice. And this is certainly no different when it comes to leg pain. Here’s a look at some vascular issues that count leg pain among its top symptoms.
Nov 2nd, 2023
Can Varicose Veins Be Dangerous?

Can Varicose Veins Be Dangerous?

You’re none too thrilled about your varicose veins for cosmetic reasons, but you’re wondering whether they’re cause for concern from a medical standpoint. We get into this complex answer here.
Oct 1st, 2023
Dr. Soffer

Dr. Soffer's newest eBook Prescription Strength TODAY

Soffer Health Team, We ask that you download Dr. Soffer's newest eBook Prescription Strength TODAY for only $1.99 on Amazon! (please save your receipt for reimbursement) Prescription Strength: The Physician's Approach to Effortless Weight Loss - Kindle
Sep 13th, 2023
3 Telltale Signs of Poor Circulation

3 Telltale Signs of Poor Circulation

Your blood circulates around your body three times every minute. When there’s a problem with this high-speed circulation system, the side effects are tough to ignore.
Sep 1st, 2023
5 Benefits of Chronic Disease Management

5 Benefits of Chronic Disease Management

Americans are no strangers to chronic diseases — they affect 6 in 10 adults. Dealing with a health issue over the long haul can be difficult if you don’t have the right team in your corner — and we’re just that team.
Aug 2nd, 2023
Leg Swelling When I Travel: Should I Be Worried?

Leg Swelling When I Travel: Should I Be Worried?

Whether you’re on the road or in the air, travel and swollen legs are hardly strange bedfellows. If you arrive at your destination with puffy lower legs, ankles, and feet, here’s what we want you to know. 
Jul 1st, 2023
What to Expect During Your Vein Evaluation

What to Expect During Your Vein Evaluation

There are many ways to stay one step ahead of your health, and a vein evaluation is certainly a great one. Here’s a look at why this preventive care is so important and what to expect during your visit.
May 1st, 2023
Signs and Treatments for Restless Legs

Signs and Treatments for Restless Legs

You fall into bed, anticipating some much-needed rest. Instead, sensations in your legs compel you to move them around, preventing you from sleeping. Here’s what you might be experiencing and how we can help.
Mar 31st, 2023
Jobs That Raise Your Risk for Vein Problems

Jobs That Raise Your Risk for Vein Problems

There are many factors that place you at risk for vascular issues like varicose and spider veins, and your job might be one of them. In fact, most of us work at a job that isn’t doing the veins in our legs any favors.
Mar 1st, 2023
How Regular Exercise Supports Better Vascular Health

How Regular Exercise Supports Better Vascular Health

As you head into a new year, perhaps you want to take charge of your health through a exercise and a better diet. We’re behind you all the way as exercise is one of the best ways to improve your vascular health.
Dec 1st, 2022
Four Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

Four Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

You have varicose veins that are unsightly, uncomfortable, or both, and you want to explore your treatment options. Luckily, there are many effective ways we can eliminate varicose veins, and we explore four here.
Nov 1st, 2022
When to See a Specialist About Swollen Legs

When to See a Specialist About Swollen Legs

You look down to find your lower legs and ankles are swollen, and you’re wondering how concerned you should be. Let’s take a look at what might be causing the problem and whether you should come see us.
Oct 4th, 2022
Four Tips for Preventing Varicose Veins

Four Tips for Preventing Varicose Veins

When it comes to varicose veins, there are certain risk factors you can’t change, such as your gender. That said, there are some changes you can make that go a long way toward preventing varicose veins.
Sep 1st, 2022
What to Expect at Your Vein Evaluation

What to Expect at Your Vein Evaluation

The human body contains a whopping 60,000 miles of blood vessels that circulate oxygen and nutrients to every cell in your body. Given their importance, you want to make sure your blood vessels are functioning properly.
Aug 1st, 2022
What Causes Spider Veins?

What Causes Spider Veins?

Your once-smooth legs have developed tiny, spider-like veins across the surface, and you want to not only know how they developed but what you can do to get rid of them. We answer both questions here.
Jul 1st, 2022
How to Work Out When You Have Vascular Problems

How to Work Out When You Have Vascular Problems

The blood vessels in your body aren’t functioning optimally and you want to do all that you can to help them. Exercise is one of the best ways to improve your circulation and, here, we review which types.
Jun 1st, 2022
I Have Poor Leg Circulation. Now What?

I Have Poor Leg Circulation. Now What?

Your legs are often the first areas of your body to develop poor circulation since they battle both distance and gravity in relation to your heart. Here, we explore a few tips for improving the circulation in your lower extremities.
May 1st, 2022
Three Tips for Managing Restless Legs Syndrome

Three Tips for Managing Restless Legs Syndrome

You fall into bed exhausted, and you’re ready for a good night’s sleep. Your legs have other plans as they tickle, itch, or need to move, keeping you awake and frustrated. Here are some tips to help with restless legs syndrome.
Apr 1st, 2022
Habits That Support Your Vascular Health

Habits That Support Your Vascular Health

Whether we’ve already found a problem with your vascular health or you want to take action to avoid cardiovascular issues down the road, these habits will go a long way toward a healthy future.
Mar 1st, 2022
Is Angina Serious?

Is Angina Serious?

When you experience chest pain, also called angina, you may be tempted to jump to the worst conclusion — that you’re having a heart attack. While chest pain doesn’t always signal something so serious, it’s one symptom that bears attention.
Feb 1st, 2022
Tips for Preventing Atherosclerosis

Tips for Preventing Atherosclerosis

Clogged arteries — or atherosclerosis — has the potential to be an incredibly dangerous condition, so you want to do everything you can to keep the blood in your arteries flowing freely. Here are a few steps to get started.
Jan 1st, 2022
Understanding Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Understanding Chronic Venous Insufficiency

You take for granted that your blood circulates throughout your body without issue and delivers oxygen and nutrients to every last cell. But when you have chronic venous insufficiency, your legs and feet may not have optimal circulation.
Dec 1st, 2021
Winter Allergies and How to Avoid Them

Winter Allergies and How to Avoid Them

Our Florida climate ensures that something is always growing year-round, which means seasonal allergies don’t get much of a reprieve. Here’s a look at what allergens to watch out for in winter and how to avoid them.
Nov 1st, 2021
Have You Scheduled Your Vein Evaluation?

Have You Scheduled Your Vein Evaluation?

All too often, problems with your vascular health are only found after a serious event, like a stroke. By understanding your risks beforehand through a vein evaluation, we can take steps to prevent the unthinkable.
Oct 1st, 2021
The Potential Benefits of Weight-Loss Medication

The Potential Benefits of Weight-Loss Medication

While there’s no such thing as a magic pill when it comes to losing weight, there are medications that can give you a valuable leg up in this effort. We review these medications and their benefits here.
Sep 5th, 2021
Four Causes of Poor Circulation

Four Causes of Poor Circulation

Under ideal circumstances, the 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body create a network in which your blood flows freely. When something disrupts this network, one of the first places you may notice signs is in your legs.
Aug 1st, 2021

Do I Just Have to Live With Varicose Veins?

You look down at your legs and wonder whether those bulging varicose veins are here to stay. Unless you treat them, the answer is “Yes.” Fortunately, we offer the latest options for clearing away varicose veins.
Jul 6th, 2021

Three Ways You Can Boost Your Heart Health This Summer

In many ways, your heart is your health, so you want to do everything you can to ensure that it’s functioning well. To help you get started, here are three heart-healthy practices you can institute this summer.
Jun 13th, 2021

Are Allergies Worse in the Summer?

While we may not enjoy “seasons” in the traditional sense, Florida still sees changes that can cause allergies to flare. Here’s a look at why summer allergies can be so difficult and what we can do about them.
May 25th, 2021

When Is Your Leg Pain Cause for Concern?

You’re experiencing leg pain, yet everything looks fine from the outside. There are any number of causes of leg pain, including problems with your cardiovascular system. Here’s how to recognize the signs.
Apr 19th, 2021

Help! I'm Struggling to Lose Weight

If you’ve resolved to lose weight this year, but you’re off to a rocky start, it’s time to get the right team in your corner. Through our medically supervised weight-loss programs, we help you lose the weight and keep it off.
Jan 20th, 2021

Common Risk Factors for Varicose Veins

Whether you’re already dealing with varicose veins or you’re looking for ways to prevent them, it’s important to understand the factors that may place you more at risk. Here’s a look at those factors, some of which you have control over.
Dec 15th, 2020

The Many Benefits of Telemedicine

While there are very few benefits to come out of the COVID-19 health care crisis, a case could be made for the rising popularity of telemedicine. Here’s a look at some of the many benefits of this approach to your health care.
Nov 13th, 2020

Tips for Preventing Spider Veins

Spider veins can pose considerable cosmetic issues, especially those that crop up in visible areas like your legs and face. Here are some tips for preventing spider veins from creating an unwelcome web on your body.
Oct 15th, 2020

Can Diet Changes Improve Your Varicose Veins?

Your diet influences your health in innumerable ways, both directly and indirectly. When it comes to varicose veins, what you eat can make a difference, both in encouraging the formation of varicose veins and in preventing them.
Sep 9th, 2020

Leg Pain? Let Us Help You Get Back on Your Feet

Your leg is achy or cramping, making it uncomfortable to engage in your usual activities. If the problem lies in your blood vessels and compromised circulation, here's a look at what we can do about it.
Aug 10th, 2020

Leg Pain? Let Us Help You Get Back on Your Feet

If you’re experiencing ongoing leg pain with no apparent cause, the answer may lie below the surface, namely in your blood vessels. Here’s a look at some of the more common conditions that can lead to leg pain and what we can do about them.
Jul 24th, 2020

Want to Banish Unsightly Spider and Varicose Veins? We Can Help

While not necessarily dangerous, veins that mark up your legs can pose a cosmetic concern, especially when you live in sunny Florida where we can bare our legs year round. Here’s how we can banish these veins, giving you back blemish-free legs.
Jun 22nd, 2020

Am I at Risk for a Vascular Disease?

Vascular disease is a catchall term for conditions that affect your blood vessels, which can range from stroke to peripheral artery disease. Here’s a look at some of the common factors that place you at risk for developing a vascular disease.
Apr 1st, 2020
Let's Talk Spider Veins

Let's Talk Spider Veins

While not as prominent as their varicose vein cousins, spider veins are also a venous condition that tends to strike in your legs. Here’s a look at how spider veins develop and how we can clear the web.
Jan 1st, 2023

An Overview of Brain Arteriovenous Malformation

A brain arteriovenous malformation might not be detectable until it ruptures. The rupture results in bleeding in the brain (hemorrhaging). In approximately half of all observed brain AVMs, hemorrhaging is the first detected sign.
May 18th, 2017

Everything You Need to Know About Varicose Veins (Part 2)

Typically, those who experience varicose veins won’t see any complications arising from them. If complications do arise, they are likely to do so several years after first noticing the veins. These complications typically consist of the following:
May 16th, 2017

Varicose Veins and Pregnancy

It’s possible that pregnant women run into the appearance of varicose veins at some point during their pregnancy.
May 14th, 2017

4 Symptoms of Venous Disease

Although varicose veins are among the most common types of venous disease, there are more venous conditions for individuals to look out for
May 10th, 2017

How to Choose the Right Vascular Surgeon

For those experiencing vein disease, eventually, surgery might be a necessary option. Not only are varicose veins unsightly, they can also cause a great deal of aching and restlessness.
May 9th, 2017

The Benefits of a Mini-Phlebectomy

Despite what most people think, venous insufficiency is quite common. This condition can cause a considerable amount of wear and tear on an individual’s body over time.
May 6th, 2017

5 Things That Can Happen During Menopause

Menopause occurs in women who are middle aged. Although most women tend to encounter menopause in their fifties, there are some women who are attained by this natural phenomena as early as forty years old.
Apr 19th, 2017

How Receiving Vein Treatment Can Change Your Life

When people first seek vein treatment in North Miami Beach they are often very excited to see what their final results are going to be. Upon seeing some before and after pictures of other patients, they feel reassured that what they’re about to do is the g
Apr 18th, 2017

5 Things That Cause Varicose Veins

When someone starts to notice one of their veins darkening in color, it is common for them to feel concerned. However, once they visit their vein doctor in Pembroke Pines, they are often reassured that what they have is a varicose vein.
Apr 16th, 2017

Debunking 4 Myths on Varicose Veins

Every year there are new people who develop varicose veins. Although they might not be familiar with the issue at first, it’s only a matter of time before they start feeling discomfort or notice a dark vein creeping up their leg.
Apr 15th, 2017

Veins: What They Are and How They Work

Patients weighing their options for vein treatment in Deerfield Beach have likely spent a lot of time either having their veins worked on, or thinking about having their veins worked on. In between all that, however, it does one some good to have a basic
Apr 8th, 2017

A Basic Overview of Transdermal Laser Treatment

Transdermal Laser Treatment is commonly used to treat small varicose veins, such as spider veins. As the treatment method has been rapidly growing in popularity, it would be useful for many vein patients to have a basic overview of transdermal laser
Apr 7th, 2017

Vein Treatment North Miami Beach

Spider veins can be a frustrating condition. In addition to being unsightly and embarrassing, they can be painful and difficult to conceal.
Mar 25th, 2017

Natural Treatment for Vericose Veins

There are a lot of different approaches for treating varicose veins. From surgery to outpatient procedures to lifestyle changes, each requires a different amount of work, recovery time, and patient involvement.
Mar 22nd, 2017

Vein Disease North Miami Beach

Vein disease, also called varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, is an ailment that usually affects the veins in the lower legs and feet.
Mar 21st, 2017

North Miami Beach Spider Vein Treatment

Spider veins and varicose veins are different issues and shouldn’t be confused. Spider veins are blood vessels that have stretched to form a branching, web-like pattern on areas of the skin.
Mar 20th, 2017

Varicose Vein Hialeah

Varicose veins, for many people, often come without symptoms. They just look unattractive or unappealing. However, for others, varicose veins can cause a whole roster of symptoms and, if not treated properly, can lead to troublesome complications.
Mar 19th, 2017

Vein Treatment at Home in Weston

For varicose veins, there are many treatments a doctor can perform that will ease symptoms and get rid of their unsightly appearance.
Mar 18th, 2017

Spider Vein Treatment in Weston

There are lots of things that can lower a person’s self-confidence, especially as they age. Wrinkles, gray hair, decreased mobility, and spider veins are all common culprits.
Mar 17th, 2017

Laser Vein Removal in Deerfield

People who have varicose veins know what a nuisance they can be. They look unattractive, especially at the beach or in the summer during swimsuit and shorts season, and they can cause annoying symptoms as well as pain and discomfort.
Mar 16th, 2017

Varicose Veins and Vein Treatment

Most people believe that varicose veins only affect older people, such as those above the age of 55. However, varicose veins are incredibly common and can develop in younger persons. On top of this, many don’t understand what it means to have this issue.
Mar 15th, 2017

Common Questions About Endovenous Laser Treatment in Aventura

As an alternative to vein stripping, which can be invasive, painful, and require a long recovery, endovenous laser treatment is an optimal choice. However, there are some common questions that potential patients may have for this procedure.
Mar 14th, 2017

The Ins and Outs of Laser Vein Removal in Aventura

For many, laser treatment is a non-invasive way to removal troublesome, painful, or unsightly veins just under the skin’s surface. A doctor uses a laser beam in an outpatient procedure to close the vein (or veins) in question. A closed vein will eventually
Mar 13th, 2017

We Offer Telemedicine

Find out more about the many benefits of telemedicine by calling Soffer Health Institute or by requesting an appointment online today.

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