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Vein Treatment North Miami Beach

Spider Vein Treatment in North Miami Beach

Spider veins can be a frustrating condition. In addition to being unsightly and embarrassing, they can be painful and difficult to conceal. Fortunately, people suffering from this condition have many options for spider vein treatment in North Miami Beach.

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are dilated veins that sit close to the surface of the skin and look like a web or a set of tree roots. Typically red in color, they can appear anywhere on the body but are common on the feet and legs, as well as the face.

How Do They Happen?

This condition doesn’t have any one cause. Instead, these blemishes can be caused by a backup of blood within the veins, or by hormonal changes related to menopause. In some cases, they are also caused by excess sun exposure or an injury. Once they develop, spider veins can be difficult or impossible to get rid of.

What Are Common Spider Vein Treatment In North Miami Beach?

Because spider veins are similar to varicosities, there are several common ways to approach and treat them. While the veins are typically harmless and will not lead to many of the complications associated with varicosities, they can cause pain and burning, especially when a person has been standing for a long period of time.

To resolve them, doctors typically turn to the following methods:

Sclerotherapy. This procedure uses a liquid solution that, once injected into the veins, closes them by scarring them from within. This forces the blood to re-route through intact veins and allows the red patterns on the skin to fade, over time.

Laser Surgery. Laser surgery is a common approach for dealing with spider veins, although it can be less effective than sclerotherapy, especially in instances where spider veins are very pronounced. What’s more, laser surgery can cause unwanted side effects, like pain and skin tone changes.

Support Stockings. Support stockings can be an ideal treatment for spider veins – especially when worn regularly by people who have to stand or sit frequently for their work. Affordable, accessible, and easy for people from all walks of life to purchase without a medical prescription, support stockings fit like tight pantyhose and prevent blood from pooling in damaged veins. They may also relieve some of the pain and swelling associated with varicosities.

Radiofrequency Occlusion. During this treatment, doctors insert a small catheter into a vein and use it to deliver radiofrequency to the wall of the vein, which seals it shut. Typically performed under local anesthetic, this is an outpatient procedure that is very effective.

Professional Vein Treatment in North Miami Beach

When it comes to dealing with varicosities and spider veins, patients will do well to find a professional who can resolve the issues for them. From laser treatments to more advanced procedures, such as radiofrequency occlusions, there are dozens of ways to deal with persistent vein conditions and ensure that they don’t interrupt the happiness or wellbeing of a patient’s life and outlook.

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