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Why Endovenous Laser Treatment May Be Right for Your Vein Treatment

Like many people, you may need to take care of your varicose veins, but you don’t want to have surgery or can’t have surgery, either because of it’s invasiveness or requirement for general anesthesia.

It’s understandable that you would want to try other procedures first; considering surgery as a last resort. When considering vein treatments in Miami, one of the first possibilities your vein specialist and you may want to explore is Endovenous Laser Treatment.

Many people turn to Endovenous Laser Treatment for their varicose veins. This vein treatment can give you the results you want not only for improved appearance of the affected veins, but especially for your health.

Quite a few patients who have undergone Endovenous Laser Treatment have been pleased with the procedure itself and the results they derived from it. This therapy can significantly reduce and even eliminate the challenging symptoms you may have been experiencing with your varicose veins, including, itching, cramping, aching as well as possible ulcers or infections.

In fact, studies have shown that Endovenous Laser Treatment produces better results and greater satisfaction than surgery.

What to expect from Endovenous Laser Treatment

Your vascular surgeon will numb your affected leg and the vein on which he is working in order to guide a laser through the vein. The laser’s heat causes the vein to collapse. The vein will eventually disappear. No other tissue is damaged, and your body learns to reroute the blood through healthier veins in your legs.

Not only is the vein treatment procedure quicker than surgery, it helps with quick recovery as well. You’ll be walking around right after the procedure. You’ll discover that your scarring is minimal, there is little if any pain, and you are likely to have fewer complications.

Like any procedure, there may be some risks to consider when opting for Endovenous Laser Treatment. Talk to your vein specialist about the possibility of blood vessel damage, bruising/ bleeding or clots and the need for additional treatment should a vein not close or other veins appear.

Any vein treatment requires a recovery period. How quickly can you resume your normal activities after Endovenous Laser Treatment? For the first few weeks after treatment, you’ll have to wear compression stockings and avoid high-impact aerobic sports. During this time, you may see some bruising or experience tenderness, but your compression stockings, when worn as directed, will reduce these side effects.

How do you know if Endovenous Laser Treatment is right for you?

Consult with your vascular physician to determine the right solution for your varicose veins. If Endovenous Laser Treatment is the preferred vein treatment, your vein specialist will discuss the procedure, the follow up requirements and the expected results with you.

You may discover that Endovenous Laser Treatment is exactly the treatment you need.

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