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The Ins and Outs of Laser Vein Removal in Aventura

For many, laser treatment is a non-invasive way to removal troublesome, painful, or unsightly veins just under the skin’s surface. A doctor uses a laser beam in an outpatient procedure to close the vein (or veins) in question. A closed vein will eventually die, as the blood flow through it will cease, and after a few years, it may disappear altogether.
When to Get Laser Treatment for Veins
Generally, laser vein removal in Aventura is recommended for those who have superficial veins, like spider veins. These types are close to the skin’s surface and are usually small and easy to treat. On the other hand, varicose veins are often large, deep under the skin tissue, and require a surgical procedure to treat.
Patients should get laser vein removal for superficial veins that bother them, whether in appearance or because they cause discomfort or pain.
Different Types of Laser Vein Removal in Aventura
There are a few different ways that a doctor can help get rid of veins that a patient doesn’t need. These are all non-invasive and require little time for recovery.
Laser Treatment
As discussed, for laser treatment, the heat from a focused beam of light is used to damage superficial veins. This causes scar tissue to form, which effectually closes the vein. Once the vein is closed, blood flow to that vein will cease and the vein will die off and, eventually, disappear.

For sclerotherapy, a chemical is used instead of a laser to damage the vein. The chemical is injected directly into the area, and the damage caused creates scar tissue to close it off.

For this type of treatment, energy is directed into the vein via a small incision. Like the laser treatment, the radiofrequency damages the vein and creates scar tissue, closing it off.

The Effectiveness of Non-Invasive Procedures
Generally, non-invasive procedures using lasers and the like to remove troublesome veins are just as effective as surgery. Some veins that are more difficult to remove may require a more invasive procedure, but overall, laser treatment is a good option for most people with superficial veins they would like removed.

How Laser Removal of Veins Improves Quality of Life
Getting veins removed can greatly improve a patient’s quality of life. For one thing, they may feel more confident about the improved look of their skin without the presence of blue and purple veins. For another, removing veins can provide relief from symptoms of varicose veins, like throbbing, a feeling of fullness in the legs, pain, and discomfort.

Laser treatment for veins is a relatively painless outpatient procedure that can do a lot to help a patient feel better and regain self-confidence. There are plenty of different options for treatment, and most people who get it done are happy with the results.

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