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The First Symptoms of Varicose Veins Begin with These Signs

Varicose veins are usually less of a health problem and more of a cosmetic challenge. The sight of varicose veins does not bother some people, but for others, the appearance of varicose veins is a flaw that must be taken care of immediately.

It is understandable, too, because few people want to show off “grandmother” legs during shorts season, and when is it not shorts season in Miami? The last thing anyone wants is to look older than they actually feel.

So how can you be proactive in spotting veins before they jump out at you? There are some initial signs of which to be aware.


Signs to look for

Healthy veins keep your blood circulating properly, but damaged or weaken valves allow for blood to flow in the wrong direction. This backwards flow creates pools of blood in your veins, and in response, the veins become enlarged.

Being attuned to changes in your body is important for your good health. Which of these signs are you experiencing?

Sometimes, however, you might not feel any symptoms. A prominent vein appears, and you simply do not like the look of it.


Who is at risk?

You are more at risk of developing varicose veins if you are pregnant, overweight, or older. They are also a genetic gift from your ancestors. If members of your family have a history of varicose veins, you may get them, too.

Varicose veins are not always preventable, but they can be treated at a leg vein treatment center.


Time to see a doctor

Keep an eye on your varicose veins. If you are experiencing fluid retention in your legs or you are getting ulcers on your feet or lower legs, make your appointment at a leg vein treatment center. Likewise, see a vascular doctor if you are retaining fluid in your feet and legs, have bleeding veins or veins that become very hard.

Even if your varicose veins cause you discomfort or begin getting larger, it is time to schedule a consultation with a vein care specialist at Miami’s leg vein treatment center.

Before medical treatment, there are natural leg vein treatments that your doctor may recommend first, including nutraceutical and conservative treatments.

Rest assured that varicose veins often appear far scarier than they actually are. The good news is that they do not have to remain scary if you visit a leg vein treatment center to address your concerns.

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