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Miami Vein Doctor: Simple Exercise Improves May Reduce Varicose Veins

Doctors have warned Americans for years that sedentary lifestyles are bad for health. Lethargy at home and even at the office, where people sit in chairs for hours on end, can lead to weight gain, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and other health issues.


Cardiologists specializing in vein care and circulatory disorders have even linked sedentary living to varicose veins and spider veins. Left untreated, varicose veins can become painful and advance into such serious illnesses as chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI.

Medical solutions for varicose or spider veins include surgery, laser treatment, sclerotherapy, varicose vein injection, vein phlebectomy and Least Invasive Techniques (or LIT).

But living a more active lifestyle is best for some patients in preventing varicose veins – and improving overall health. Here’s what you can do to improve circulation and vein health:

  • Exercise at your desk. Prolonged sitting can cause venous blood to accumulate in the legs, resulting in swollen feet and ankles, fatigue, and pain, notes Lightfeet®, a “walk while you sit” device that exercises the lower leg muscles and improves blood circulation. It sits beneath the desk and is designed to be used while seated.
  • Exercise every day. Heightened exercise help the heart and circulatory system. Add a half-hour of walking into your daily routine. Park farther from the office or mall entrance. Take the stairs, instead of the elevator.
  • Eat better. Lose the fast food, vending machine junk and high-sugar soda – and eat fruits and vegetables and low-calorie, low-sugar snacks. It’s not about “dieting.” The goal is to eat healthier.

“Incorporating a healthy diet and exercise into our lives can help prevent a number of chronic health issues, including vein health,” said Dr. Ariel Soffer, M.D., a board certified cardiologist and specialist in vein care. “Simple exercise will help with weight control, heart health and the care of your veins – even before they become varicose or spider veins.”

If you think you have or may be developing varicose veins, Soffer Health offers FREE vein screenings. Call the office today to schedule a consultation.


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