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Is Laser Vein Treatment a Safe Option for Forehead Veins?

Just a few years ago, Angelina Jolie made headline news, though it wasn’t for her movies, charitable work, or her beauty. The world was commenting about a large vein that appeared in the center of her forehead. Instead of reporters remarking on her stunning dresses at galas, people began to speculate as to why the prominent bulge appeared, and whether it was a sign of poor health, excessive workouts, or extreme weight loss. Someone even made a Facebook page totally dedicated to Jolie’s malady. The thing is, Jolie isn’t alone. Millions of people, both men and women, have prominent veins on their foreheads, and likely as a result of the press Jolie received, they’re incredibly self-conscious about it as well. Many people consider laser vein treatment, yet dismiss it because they worry about safety, and the final results, so they live with it.

What Causes Large Forehead Veins?

Some people just have naturally-noticeable veins. Those who have pale skin are more-likely to be able to see the bluish pathways, simply because their skin is more translucent. People who are thinner, or have very tight skin, will notice them more as well. Without commenting specifically on Jolie, people who have followed an extreme diet, or those who are underweight, are more prone to having very visible veins, too. Certain conditions, like high blood pressure, can enlarge the pathways, which also makes them appear more prominent. For this reason, it’s not possible to give any single cause. A vascular physician will need to perform an exam in order to identify the source, and recommend treatments.

Is Laser Vein Treatment a Safe Option?

Generally, laser is the vein treatment Miami residents ask about most-often, because it’s not invasive, plus it is quick and painless. It’s a safe option for many situations, though it may take multiple treatments to work on larger spots. Sometimes sclerotherapy is also used, and it can safely produce dramatic results as well. Surgery is generally considered a final option, when all alternatives have been ruled out. However, it is possible to permanently close off the veins, and in the hands of a skilled vascular physician, it’s a safe and effective option that does not leave tell-tale signs behind.

It’s always a good idea to have a consultation with a vascular physician when you notice anything out of the ordinary with your circulatory system, as even slight changes can signal a larger underlying problem or condition. While diet and over-exertion can play a role in appearance, it’s best not to write-off visible forehead veins as being related to weight only. Doing so may cause a person to overlook something important, that needs treatment promptly for the sake of overall health. When concerning health conditions are ruled out, there are numerous non-invasive and minimally-invasive treatments that can produce beautiful aesthetics. It’s more so a matter of assessing your particular condition, and working with a qualified doctor to choose the one that will be most effective.


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